Powerhouse Professional

Hypnosis for the Professional Life

Start Now! Use Powerhouse Hypnosis and easily reconstruct your Mindset..... clearing and rewiring your subconscious, removing stress, anxiety, pressures, fears, poor behavior patterns, and blocks, replacing them with new positive goals, courage, success, and happiness, upgrading, uplifting, and lightening your Professional Experience. Start Now! Your life & health depends on it.Take a simple fun change-your-life quiz... CLICK BELOW!

Powerhouse Hypnosis: For The Professional

You are here for a reason. Nothing is a coincidence. You and your subconscious know it is time for change. It knows it is time to improve or upgrade your life and once and for all rid yourself of the overwhelming professional stresses, anxiety, pressures, and fears. It knows it is time to improve and recalibrate your life.

Can you sit down, breathe, relax, and follow simple instructions? Then hypnosis is for you and you will achieve amazing results with hypnotherapy. Yes, it is just that simple.

Hypnotherapy is perfect for you. Just 5 to 10 minutes a day, and you and I together, will get huge, powerful life-changing results. 5 to 10 min combined with this simple power-packed powerhouse program.... It is Sweet Science!

It will blow your mind what you can do with 5-10 minutes to overcome fear, anxiety, stress, depression, pain, and addiction or achieve the goals, dreams and the life that you want. This here method.... is waiting for you, that is why you are here right now. This here method.... can radically reshape your mind, body, heart, and soul. More than that, it has the power to begin to reshape your overall life.

Amazing things ahead!!!

What is Hynosis?

Hypnosis is a natural state you all experience several times a day or week. It is truly a state of focus relaxation or escape. All in all, it is truly a powerful state of learning, change, and self-improvement. It is a state that allows us to communicate directly with and make positive suggestions to the subconscious mind.

Hypnosis is a science that has been around for centuries. Because of its effectiveness, it is growing in popularity in the mainstream mental health and medical health world. It is heavily research-backed, proving its ability to improve the quality of life in many areas significantly. Hypnosis uses many tools to communicate with the subconscious. Below I will share one of them.....

Does It Work?

The Short answer..... YES! NOW, The long answer. The techniques of hypnosis radically changed my life as well as confirmed what I had uncovered regarding how our minds work was powerfully true. After years of banging my head against the wall researching and experimenting through blood, sweat, and tears the science of hypnosis and hypnotherapy helped to tie it all into a nice simple bow.

My Story

Also, I know it works because I am no stranger to professional stress. I am a high-performance professional. Figuratively speaking If one existed, I could have an advanced degree in high-performance stress, when looking back at all that I have endured. Being in the professional community for over 20 years, the Health Profession to be exact.... I would have to say being a Doctor in any field, you not only personally experience a high level of stressful things, but because a lot of people and colleagues depend on you, and view you as a credible source based on your accomplishments, people tend to share more. So as a professional, you hear a lot regarding other professionals' Stories. Stories of professional challenges, disappointments, letdowns, depression, overwhelm, and stories of them wanting to leave it all. One of my mentors for hypnotherapy is a Harvard Law School graduate. He left Law to pursue a hypnotherapy career and could not be happier. Of course, he used the power of hypnosis to find his way, finding his purpose, passion, and himself again. Don't worry this isn't a pitch that you have to dump your career for more happiness, less anxiety, and stress... as you will see as you read on.

After 7-8 years in to my profession I to wanted to leave it all. And I did.... and this began an amazing transformation, an eye-opening experience. At the time, I was a Dentist. In my humble opinion, Dentistry is one of the most stressful day-to-day health professions. We are constantly multitasking, managing staff, while at the same time, doing 10-15 surgeries a day all while the majority of patients are wide awake.

After a couple of years in Dentistry I came to realize.... I am a hyper-sensitive individual. I had no idea at the time what or why this was. All I knew was I felt and absorbed everything. It became overwhelming. Combined with the limitations and politics of healthcare insurance and its influnce over the quaility of treatement i could provide, I was suffocating. To maintain my sanity I began numbing myself out with other methods, but nothing seemed to help long-term and to top it off, life matters were piling up and the weight of it all felt was, too, too much. As a result, my health had declined, 50lbs overweight, I was hyper-reactive, my relationship was suffering and I was haveing panick attacks, and acid reflux, and more.

One day I packed everything up and ran for the hills. I wasn't necessarily that I couldn't take it anymore, It was that this is not how I envisioned it. Everything was supposed to get better and lighter after my doctorate degree. During this time, I was witnessing life in a way I never imaged. It was as if I starred in a TV drama and no matter what i did there after things seem to get heavier and heavier until the drama built so high that it all came crashing down. Another reason I left dentistry, was my body was breaking down from my poor habits, making the physical aspect of it more challeging. I also had other opputinites outside of dentistry showing promise. However again, it all came crashing down..... hard!

Long story short, I was given this suggestion while in a hypnotic state during this time away from my profession (dentistry) I will share more about this with you later in my free hypnotherapy training when you click through. This changed my life and I still hear this suggestion from time to time and it fills me up, It strengthens me. It is responsible for making me unshakably happy. Even if I tried to be unhappy, sad or depressed the more I try the harder it becomes to be unhappy or depressed. Strange right? Not at all. There is scientific reasons for this. Once change or your wants and desires hit your subconscious mind a certain way there is no going back. To your mind and the deeper parts of you, It is more work going back than going forward.

Because of this suggestion while in the hypnotic state, I have not only been inspired by it, I have inspired others to be happy and show them what it is and that It can be had all the time and that you can reduce stress, anxiety, and the pressures that come from a high-performance professional career, stepping into each day HAPPY and EXCITED!

After learning dentistry I hit rock bottom. I was actually at one of the lowest times of my life, I actually found myself living in my car with partial paralysis in my right leg for about 8-12 months. During that time, I was a crossing guard, a substitute teacher, an emergency room receptionist, and a janitor. I had people I thought were friends reveal their true colors to me and attempt to take advantage of me and kick at what I thought was my weakest point. All the while I happy as can be. It was uncanny. But as I learned more and more about the mind and the power of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, it is no longer uncanny. It 100% can be explained and reproduced.

I met my wife during this time, then money started to show up in large sums along with opportunities, from ways, from sources, I had never experienced before. I began to see how the universe worked and how life worked. All because of this one suggestion. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. Note your suggestion(s) may be different than mine.

After a couple of years, I eventually found my way back to dentistry for various reasons. To my surprise, I found myself amazingly happy. The things that bothered me and was sensitive to no longer bothered me. I somehow took on the role, that it is my duty to be happy for all.

There are so many beautiful things that have been appearing in my life ever since. Yes, there have been other extreme challenges that I have faced since, but as a result, the clarity I have gained has been massive and their negative effects have been minimal. I now absolutely love Denstry, I love dentistry because I love and I love it because I know the power of love....the power of happiness. I see happiness and love everywhere even in this wild world. Because of how I view life now in my mind's eye, I have little stress and anxiety, I handle things with my lungs filled with endless oxygen as I every day constantly create a happy environment around me.

Yes, I am on my way to retiring if I haven't already. Only to not be confined to one location, one clinic. So, I can share with you and the world, what I know, to change lives.

If you have an open mind, your life can improve, your relationships can improve, and clarity around your profession can improve. As well, You can find your professional nirvana.

Book a session and let's get you some amazing results... Click the button below

PS. This will change not only your life but the success of your practice or profession.

I treated thousands of Dental patients over my 20 years, with a consistent response of, "This was the most enjoyable dental experience I ever had and I really don't like coming to the Dentist". or..... "I felt so relaxed and comfortable and I am usually uptight in the dental chair". "I stood outside the door of the dental office for an hour crying before coming in, If I had known that Dentistry was like this, I would have come a long time ago". The responses are too many to write here.

This is not to toot my own horn. This is to show you that there is a pattern here. A pattern of peaceful, mindful transformative dentistry or professionalism. My co-workers would count on my presence and exclaimed, "Your spirit is missed when you are gone". I have assistants that I haven't worked with for years, that still call to say hi and to tell me that they love me. There is a way in which a person can be approached that will transform their belief about an experience. But this comes when you allow your minds eye to see in a new way. However, one that is aligned with who you are and what you want in your life right now.

I will say it once more this will undeniably improve your professional life more importantly, it will improve your entire life.

Again, if you have an open mind, your life can improve, your relationships can improve, and clarity around your profession can improve. As well, You can find your professional nirvana.

Book a session and let's get you some amazing results... Click the button below

For The Patient, Client, Co-workers, Team.

  • We can work with you directly.
  • We can work with you and your Team, co-workers, and clients to relax you.
  • Radically decrease and eventually remove group blockages, stress, and anxiety

For The Professional

  • Help you to reduce your individual professional stress and anxiety.
  • Reduce Professional overwhelm
  • Bring calm, space, and consistent joy, happiness, and excitement to your life.
  • Create order, structure, and rhythm in your life.

One Technique Used: Energy Body

1) Physical Energy Body

I use several powerful techniques that will help you to connect and take on more and more ownership of your total mind. Reconnecting you to your energy body and strengthening it is one of the techniques and secrets I will share with you to once and for all gain greater control and ownership over your life.

Your energy Body is made up of 4 pillars Mind Body Heart and Soul. These four pillars we tap into with hypnotherapy and the many powerful tools we use to communicate with the subconscious mind of each of these pillars to start. There is a language that you will learn, and learn to hear and listen to through the methods of hypnosis.

Imagine that each pillar has its own separate door. Using hypnosis, to begin with, we will open and enter one of these doors. The subconscious mind will tell us which one to enter first. Eventually, we will enter all of the doors. These are like rooms in your house. Your Powerhouse. Do you know this quote? "In my father's house, are many mansions, many rooms." John 14:2.

2) Heart Energy Body

3) Mind Energy Body

4) Soul Energy Body

First, we will help you to enter these rooms to talk to your subconscious mind to begin with, then further connect with the subconscious mind to tell to align with you to accomplish the life changes you desire. Two, we will teach you how to effectively and properly speak to your subconscious mind to remove anxiety, fears, pain, old habits, and addiction while beginning to accomplish your goals with the focus of living your most amazing life.

Another Success Story


Who am I? More About me....

*Certified Health Coach, Life Coach, Master Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Doctor of Dental Surgery

I am excited to share you how I overcame professional strain, stress, and burnout, and now everyday, I have an absolutely amazing life.... REALLY EVERYDAY!!!!!

You can not change what you can not see and I will guide you to see.

Dr. Dawud Raamah

*Board Certified Doctor of Dental Surgery

Fully happy and thriving in my 50s, the next best thing to the fountain of youth..... The fountain of "YOU".

Eureka! I found it in Just 10 -30min a day.

It wasn't always like this. One day I found myself 50lbs Overweight, with ongoing health issues. This wasn't my first. But that is for another story. I tried everything. So many of the fad fitness programs out there, Self-help books, Mindset strategies trying to use a cookie cutter method to fix my issues. Watching videos, listening to audio reading books and the fitness programs with their menus and shakes and grueling 45-60-minute body-pounding workouts, drink this... this many times a day, eat this.... that many times a day, and then kill yourself for 6o minutes non-stop fitness training. Honestly, I hated every minute of it. Not one day did I look forward to waking up and doing those damn workouts. I realize these are companies, they don't care about you. They are making money and the more you do the more money they make. I get it. I've made my fair share of money. but not at the detriment of making the quality of someone's life 10x worse. To do all of this stuff that every fitness and personal development guru swears by is a lot. It adds to your professional stress and your professional anxiety. It is too much...... the psychology of it too much stress leads to poor compensating behaviors, which the cause of addiction, strained relationships, depression, anger and more. Let me explain.

I got some results but not ones that matched the amount of effort I was putting into it.

You see, I am an ex-high-performance athlete and Doctor. So I can go hard.

But This just didn't make sense to me Drink 8 glasses of water, eat 5x a day and cook or prepare 5 special meals while reading and learning new recipes, intensely work out 60 min take 3-6 supplements a day, drink to 1-2 protein shakes a day, then meditate, say affirmations 5-10x a day, remember to be mindful, grateful, humble, compassionate, self-loving, yoga, breathwork...... etc. And I needed to do this for the rest of my life while seeing 15-20 patients a day. WHEW!!! I thought to myself there has to be a better way. There is no freakin way the almighty put me on this earth to have do all this. Don't get me wrong I have done, and still do some of this stuff on the regular. BUT there is a better way. Doing all of this I soon fell off of the wagon and but on most of the weight I had lost until I finally found the better way.

I was missing something.... as well as 98% of the world. For 98% of all programs that aid people with their attempts to change fail (Holy Wow!!!)..

What I did next... began to change my way of life and how I approached it forever.

What I did is I became the "Guinea Pig".

I studied, researched, and experimented with what to do how to do it, and the least amount you needed to do in multiple areas of mental and body health and fitness to be Amazingly healthy.

I studied and experimented with the mind, body, and soul...... so much so, that I got certified as an expert in multiple areas on how to improve the mind body, and soul.

As you can see, even in my late 40's and early 50's, I achieved amazing results, also, my clients were able to achieve some pretty powerful results as well.

Throughout my life I have held titles as a High-performance athlete (4-year full Colliegate scholarship ), a Doctor in the health profession, and a behavioral specialist, group counselor, Life coach, Health Coach, Master Hypnotist & Hypnotherapist w/ a specialty in Weightloss, smoking-cessation and much much more.

Hypnosis is Backed by over 250 researches in multiple areas of life and conditions, showing significate improvement. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy is gaining grounp and popular. One it is very effective and two, it is quick and easy. It does take a small commitment and an open mind.

Learning and experiencing all of this, I have joyfully taken all of my experience, trials and tribulations, blood sweat, and tears, and created this simple but powerful program The Professional Bluprint" part of the Powerhouse method."

May you join My beautiful and powerful mission to improve 100,000+ lives over the next 10 years (today is 2023).

With Love and Blessiongs

Dawud R.

Age: In my 50's (Married & Joyfully Crazy Busy)

Still not sure if this actually is for you?

Here's why it is.


A System that works with almost everything, and you can take everywhere.

  • You can use this program and all of its powerful secret ingredients anywhere you go.... even with a busy and demanding life.
  • As long as you still have your wits about you and air in your lungs you can get powerful life lasting results.
  • All you need is a little bit of time to get a lot of Huge results.
  • Busy, demanding, On the Go life proof!!!

Your Are Safe With Us.

  • We will help you change you fears and habits into a superpower.
  • Not only is your mind and body safe with us, your Greater self and soul is safe as well. We go several layers deeper, where true change, fears, and growth hideout. We have the keys and we know the doors.
  • We will share with you the Power House Mindset.
  • We find the right strategies that will meet you where you are at.
  • We encourage you to check with your healthcare or mental health professional, to make sure you, your mind and your body are up for the change.
  • Disclaimer: We do not claim to heal or cure anything.

Bonus - The Super Secret sauce!!!

Free Rhythm Life Organization Sessions.

-Certified Life & Health Coach-

-Value ~ $997

  • We go even deeper and help you rewire and declutter your life, creating a life-lasting Rhythm in your life. This is what I call the Rhythm of Success.

It's Time!

It is time to Remove your Dental Fears Anxiety & Bad Habits and have a, healthier, and.... more beautiful mouth.

Take Action Unlock Your Free Session.

And when you do... a powerful something is about to happen!

Take Your Quiz Now!

I want Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy to help me Dental Problems (fear, anxiety, bad habits).

Copyright © 2022 Ready Go Nation ™ & Dawud Raamah